
Lameboy DS 0.11

This release has very short change log and does not address many of the problems pointed out in last post comments. I have managed to fix annoying SGB multi player games input problem though. Apart from this the only difference to 0.10 is emulation speed. Both video render and CPU interpreter were heavily optimized. Sadly some games still won’t do its 60fps.

Since majority of the code base was touched in process of optimization there can be some regression in compatibility. Please report games that stopped working (or degraded in some way) with this version in comments.

Lameboy DS 0.11

Change log:

  • changed: optimized software renderer
  • changed: optimized cpu core
  • fixed: multiplayer pad reading in SGB games (Battle Arena Toshinden and others)

177 replies on “Lameboy DS 0.11”

I take back what I said about Hercules. It seems that on all emulators aswell as actual console, the game will NOT play music unless color mode is turned OFF.

“# Guncannon Says:
August 3rd, 2008 at 8:07 am

I personally like this emulator very much. But the only flaw that I found is it can’t run any 32 Mbit games(Dragon Quest Monsters II, Dragon Quest III etc). But other than that, it is still a very well made emulator on DS. Good work.”

Unzip them. They work unzipped. Personally, I’ve gotten to the snow world in DQM2 and I’ve made it to Romaly in DQIII using Lameboy only. πŸ˜€

Hello! Thanks for making this emulator, i hope u keep on updating it :)) By the way, Sagaia works gitched, what a pity, u think that u could solve this problem? i’d be really grateful

Keep up the good work! I only found out about lameboy yesterday but im gonna try it today. I’m really just looking forward to playing Link’s Awakening, which i’ve never played before. Thanks to your hard work, i can enjoy on my DS. Thanks Nutki!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have been trying to get the updated lameboy to work, and all i get is a black screen when i run it. I (think) patched it. But it just flash’s white then goes black. Any ideas?

PS- Thanks for all the work on this! I love being able to play GB on my DS.

Thanks for this superb emulator, Nutki.

But, Super Mario Land 2 has some serious issues when boss battling.

Elinar, you should trying redownloading Lameboy and try it unpatched. If it does not work, patch it. What flashcart are you using?

Idk why but I feel that the next release (if there’ll be one) will have the SML2 bug fixed because its been mentioned over 40 times now! XD

When entering Lameboy GBC settings are remembered but NOT applied! You have to go to GBC mode and toggle it, then toggle it BACK for it to actually apply else it stays as default GBC for ALL games.

I have noticed that the rumble feature only works with games that had built-in Rumble (That actually had the rumble pack inside the game Card).

There was an external rumble pack for the GBC that connected via the headphone port on the GBC. It rumbled in almost all games, such as the Pokemon games (During battles) and Super Mario Land (when you died or stepped on an enemy). Is it possible to make lameboy rumble like this? I have little details on this product, and have a feeling it was third party.
Anyway, is it possible?

I found the name of the Rumble pack, its called a “Rumba pack Rumble pack”. It appears to detect certain frequencies of sound and then rumble accordingly. The strange thing is, is that it doesn’t rumble all the time, jsut when its supposed to, like in a battle scene. It would probably be to hard to find out how it worked to implement it in lameboy anyway, but it would still be a nice feature. πŸ™‚

Hello, I’ve just download this emulator for my DS it’s incredible and it works fine, but I have a problem in my favorite game, Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets. Works well but when someone talks the dialogue bar appears the image of who’s talking an a text. The bar get distorsioned, well, I don’t know how explain it, you can read the text but not so well. It also happens while I’m fighting because there’s a similar bar with the attacks. I don’t know if it’s my problem or if you’ll do a new update.

Thank you and sorry for my english. πŸ™‚

super mario land 2, boss fights are just mario walking around the screen and you can’t do anything, but I love your emulator, please fix

Hello, this a great bit of freeware. Thanks

I have been having a little problem getting software with sampled sounds to work though. I’m interested in getting music creation software working like LSDJ and Pocket music. On both these bits of software the sampled sound it played back incorrectly, like its going through a ring modulator. I pretty sure some GBC games have sampled sound too.

Keep up the good work


…by the way I’m sure the sound problem isn’t down to the fact that its 4 bit. I actually have a real cart of Pocket Music to compare it with and there is a lot of difference. I’m more interested in getting LSDJ working as I don’t have a gameboy flash card. The sound problems are the same on both though.


super mario land 2 works better in a lot of ways but there is a glitchy look when entering a new world and now I canno’t face the bosses… so it won’t allow you to beat the worlds thus you cannot reach wario.

It was supposed to be imposible to run gb and gbc roms in gba cards, now you make this program, can you do something to run gba roms in the ds please??
I know you can.
Do your best

First of all, I have to thank you for sharing this amazing (and the best) emulator for GB ROMS on NDS, I found out that lameboy simply cannot detect some of my roms…. at first I thought it doesn’t work, but when I try it with another rom (Pokemon crystal), it appeared on the list and I can play it perfectly. However, the first game, which is a 16mb gba file, cannot be shown on the list. (It is in the MicroSD card but when I open lameboy it is just NOT THERE) MAY BE THE SIZE OF THE FILE IS TOO BIG, ISN’T IT?

Or the size is not the problem?

@Kelvin: GBA Games are not supported, since LameBoy is a GB(C) Emulator for the NDS. GBA Games can be run native on NDS, but only from Slot-2.

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